Welcome to Inchture Primary Sch
Inchture Primary School is in the village of Inchture, in the Carse of Gowrie, Perthshire between the cities of Perth and Dundee. The village and school roll continue to expand, with the school roll almost doubling in size over the last five years. There are nine classes in the primary school, along with the nursery class.
In August 2014 we benefited from an extensive refurbishment and extension to our school which includes a library, PE hall and, in October 2016, a Multi Use Games Area which is available to use by the community.
Our vision is to provide high quality learning experiences for all our pupils so that they can be the best that they can be in all aspects of their lives and enjoy themselves while doing so. We value openness, honesty, respect, hard work, teamwork and the opinions of everyone in our community.
Kind regards,
Mrs Jo Bell
Here's a video that reflects our school:
We hope you enjoy visiting and finding out all about our learning and our school.