Inchture Primary School

Inchture Primary School
Life at Inchture Primary School Life at Inchture Primary School

Livvi's Reminder

It has been brought to our attention that Primary 7 pupils are visiting Livvi's throughout the week for their lunch. As explained in the letter sent to parents / carers in September (please see link below), it was agreed that, as senior pupils, they could visit Livvi's on a Friday.

Should you wish your child to be a home lunch and visit Livvi's on other days of the week, we would remind you that they would then be your responsibility during this time, and that none of the food purchased at Livvi's should be brought back into school. Some pupils are bringing their bought items and fizzy juice back into the school grounds and dining hall to consume.

Whilst we know our pupils can be trusted, and members of the public have commented on their respectful conduct at Livvi's, our priority is always pupil safety.

Livvi's Letter_September 2024

Many thanks for your continuing support.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Jo Bell

Head Teacher
