Inchture Primary School

Inchture Primary School
Life at Inchture Primary School Life at Inchture Primary School

Severe Weather Information

Inchture Primary School

Parents and staff should always consider the possibility that the school may be closed due to severe weather disruption caused by snow, ice, flood, storm damage, loss of power etc.

The school will communicate closure via:

  • School website
  • Twitter @inchtureps
  • Groupcall text if possible
  • PKC website :
  • Radio Tay AM and FM
  • Headteacher will contact all staff and Parent Council Chair
  • Janitor will try to put a notice on school gates
  • Please do not phone the school directly to find out if it closed
  • N.B. In the event of power failure websites and phonelines may not work.
  • In the event of Inchture Primary School being closed, staff have a duty to report to their nearest open school if safe to do so.